It's FALL, y'all! 🍁

What an exciting time of year! The air gets crisp and the hot, slimy humidity of summer (and in NC, "second summer") is finally put to rest for another year! I always feel a little excited around this time. It’s the start of school and football season and for me that brings memories of two things I love - one of my besties' birthdays and being on the high school drill team with said bestie. We just celebrated her 50th birthday with a few friends. The highlight of our weekend was “playing” drill team again. Click here for a little throwback routine and A LOT of laughs.
FALL in love with your health this season,
P.S.- Is your health a "hot mess express"? Schedule a complimentary "Take Control of Your Health Discovery Session" here.
3 Tips to Reset Your Body with the Fall Season

Modern living has made it (mostly) possible to ignore the seasonal changes around us. Think about it: we live in heated or air conditioned spaces, we get out of season fruit year round, we wake up to alarm clocks and flip on the lights! And yet, our bodies are meant to live in alignment WITH nature. How do we do that? What difference would it make for your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health if you shifted as the season shifts?
Here’s 3 ways to reset your schedule based on what your body is telling you:
- Take a week without alarms. See when your wake up time comes naturally. **Bonus step - cut out blue light at night. Instead read a book, play games or have conversation. Then see when your sleepy time comes naturally!
- Notice where you are struggling with motivation or clarity before a task. What time of day do different tasks seem effortless? For example, does exercise feel like a good thing to do first thing? Are you ready to read, write, create or contemplate at certain times of day but perhaps not others? How does your energy flow now that the daylight is shifting? Make your new fall schedule mimic what your body is telling you!
- Eat what you want. Break the routine of Taco Tuesday and simply fill yourself with what you want. No need to go crazy here, but listen to your body. Is it more soups and heavy meals? Perhaps heavier in the morning? Light meals in the afternoon? Earlier dinner time? What's your body communicating to you?
We were not built to live DESPITE what nature is doing. We were built to live with nature -flowing like the seasons.
So good luck with that new schedule. Before you know it, you’ll be rearranging for spring!
A Better Pumpkin Spice
Ok. It’s an October newsletter - It may actually be ILLEGAL to exclude some Pumpkin SPICE Flava, so here you are! If you don’t know The MacroBarista, now you do! The MacroBarista (Alex Moe) can be found on his website (link here) or on social media platforms. What is his gift to humanity you might ask??? Well, he creates lower calorie versions of those fru-fru sugary coffee drinks like pumpkin spice macchiatos that we all crave in the fall. THE TRUE GIFT is that he tells you HOW TO ORDER THEM AT THE STARBUCKS!!! No more looking at the menu feeling confused by the latte/macchiato/flat white choices or heaven help trying to figure out the sizes (dude! I just need a medium, whatever the heck we are calling it!!!)
Enjoy that treat! (for less calories and less anxiety at the drive-thru speaker)
Client Testimonial
"If you want to get to your goals [Amy] can help get you there to meet and exceed them!"
- Anita H.
Upcoming Event
Our The Gifts of Imperfection book club is in full swing and so much fun already! Be on the lookout for our next book club in early 2024.