Hey Amy,

Can we really be in September? Boy, it feels like I could start every newsletter with that same proclamation! Time just flies. The hum of the summer months is beginning to shift into the slow down of fall. And I’m ok with that. I am lucky to live in a place with all four seasons. 

In the last few years, I’ve really started paying attention to the natural changes that occur during the year. Instead of trying to do all the things I do in the summer all year long, I typically make changes that seem to be more in flow with nature and how my body responds to the season changing. I’ve noticed that my sleep changes, my appetite actually decreases in the fall, and even my attention span seems to be a little bit longer when the days are shorter! I shift my work schedule, workout schedule, sleep schedule, and eating schedule to better align with the world around me. Sounds both logical and super hippie-dippie to write that down! Haha! Well, the truth can be weird and I’ve never shied away from weird. Enjoy the fall, y’all! 🍁

What if it was all just practice?

We do all kinds of “practice”. If you are a doctor, you practice medicine. You might have a yoga practice or a meditation practice. Some of us have gone to soccer practice or softball practice. It’s just practice. 

Sometimes practice is called training or rehearsal - like when we train for a marathon or rehearse a play or the Christmas Cantata. We’ve all practiced or trained or rehearsed something sometime.

Practice is the time to try out new things and tweak your technique. It’s the right space for slowing down to evaluate what’s working and what’s not. It feels safe to be wrong, try stuff that might be really off base because after all it’s just practice. There’s no pressure at practice to be perfect or win. We can really be relaxed and free in practice.

Here’s a coaching nugget for you - 

Where in your life could you benefit from applying a little bit of practice mindset? How could being relaxed, free, and open to new ideas affect the issues that are stressing you right now?

Practice living this month! 

It’s time for BOOK CLUB! 📖

Do you ever wonder why some people seem to be so joyful? How their lives, no matter what the circumstances, seem to flow with confidence, clarity, and ease? I have.

Our next book club starting the week of September 19 will address those questions as we read The Gifts of Imperfection, by Brené Brown. This easy to read guidebook is research based and highly actionable. If you feel like one of my clients described it - “a hot mess express!” with no energy, brain fog, and everything hitting you at once and what you want is to be connected with a  sense of belonging and peace - “on your A-game” - this is the book club to get you going. 


Healthy Life Book Club is great if you want to:

  • dip your toe into the coaching experience with only the investment of TIME.
  • “dial in” or “tweak” your mindset on already established habits
  • start “peeling back” the next layer of growth

Gotta know more? Click here to submit the book club interest form and put your name on the list!

Basic details about Book Club:

  • FREE and Open to the public
  • limited to 20 participants
  • Meets every week on zoom for 7 weeks
  • Breaks the readings into small sections
  • Offers coaching to the participants, leaving them in action in their lives



    What Our Clients Say!

    "Amy is an excellent coach. She embodies joy, compassion, & empathy. Qualities that allow her to be very motivating and help clients work through road blocks."

    - Karla

Amy Chang
Healthy Life Health and Wellness Coaching