Can you say "ROADTRIP"??
I am busy planning an eight-day tour to visit colleges with my youngest. It looks to be a real whirlwind as we head to Virginia to stay with family, popping into Washington, D.C. then up to New York City for a weekend with my oldest. From there it's Boston for a few days and heading over to Syracuse, NY, staying with an old friend from high school. We'll head home after a pitstop in Pittsburgh to see more family and finally back home. Are you already exhausted reading the itinerary? I am, too! I am very excited about the quality time with my kids (at least 2 out of 3), seeing family, and reconnecting with an old school mate! Wish us luck!
I'm so busy! I don't have time to (insert healthy habit here...)!

I hear a lot of questions about how to find time. How to find time for eating the foods you planned to, for hitting that workout as scheduled, and spending time having fun and playing with loved ones. Do you ever look at your calendar and actually "find time"? Like it's just laying there waiting for you to pick it up and use it as if it were a free coupon? Here's something to consider - your time and how you use it is really the only thing you actually have.
Then why doesn't it feel like you have any time to do the things you know are good for you?
Because you've got a mismatch. Like a closet that gets cluttered up periodically needs a good cleaning out, your calendar needs to be revisited. So ask yourself what one of my coaches once asked me, "Does your calendar reflect your priorities?"
Make a list of your top five roles. Mine include mother, friend, business owner, partner, and daughter. Does your calendar currently reflect those roles? If not, add blocked time to match your values!

Best timer ever! I love this app called SmartWOD. It has multiple settings for any kind of workout you want to dream up. AMRAPs, EMOMs, and Tabatas, Oh my!
Big announcement coming next month! Stay tuned...
P.S. Want to connect? Schedule a Take Control of your Health Discovery Session here!