August 2, 2022
Hi Amy,

Here we are at the start of August and I feel like the summer is slipping away! Where did the time go? And why have I not done all of the things I was planning to do this summer?
I have a tendency to get caught up in questions like these and, next thing I know, MORE time has passed and I still haven’t done the things I imagined I would do in the summertime — the lake time, the bar-b-ques, the carefree laughter, the popsicles and running through sprinklers — down the rabbit hole I go!
With these questions comes feelings of anxiety, sadness, judgment, even fear (of time passing me by). This can get uncomfortable and overwhelming and I don’t like to sit with these feelings for too long. So, this year, I have decided to not simply distract myself from these feelings as I have done in the past, but to address them head on — really think about what it is that I want to get out of “summer”.
When I really think about it, the appeal of all of these visions is carefree fun and easy friendship, and those are things I can work into most days, regardless of the season!
So, in these dog days of summer, I will look for joy in each day, spend time with people who make me laugh out loud, and incorporate play in my life as often as possible!
Standing for your very best health,
Healthy Living Coaching
Make Time for Intentional Connection

Life moves fast and is full of distractions. You ask your spouse a question and they don’t look up from their phone to answer. You say something to your child and they don’t answer because they can’t hear you through the headphones. You try to connect with a friend and need to schedule a lunch date weeks in the future. You try to create family dinners but everyone’s sports schedules get in the way.
In all of these scenarios, it’s the relationships that suffer and everyone loses in the end. When it is all said and done, we all want to feel connected, to be seen, to feel valued. This takes work and intention. And it is important. We all know that the rates of mental illness (anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, drug addiction) are increasing every year, and there are many theories about why this is happening — isolation from COVID, unhealthy additives in the food, financial recession, etc.
While no one is able to individually solve any of these problems, we are able to make a difference in our own homes, in our own relationships. We can make a difference in the lives of those we love through intentional connection with them.
- There is huge value in looking someone in the eye when having a conversation. This indicates that you are listening, interested, and focused on what they are saying.
- There is huge value in making sure your child engages in a conversation with you. Gently ask them to take off their headphones and repeat what you said. Go for a walk with them. Play a game with them.
- There is huge value in making time for friendships. Make that date with your friend and keep it! While you are at lunch, keep your phones away and really talk AND listen.
- There is huge value in eating together as a family. Make it a priority.
- There is huge value in physical touch. Hugging someone for 20 seconds lowers blood pressure, decreases heart rates and increases feelings of well-being.
This world, or at least your world, will be a better place when you create meaningful connections. Enjoy!
Cool Tool, Tip or Resource
One tool I use to “slow down time” and feel connected is mindfulness, and part of this is cultivating gratitude. This is a great podcast on the power of gratitude. Give it a listen!
The Science of Gratitude & How to Build a Gratitude Practice - The Huberman Lab
Upcoming Events

Healthy Living Group with Fran Paradine and Taylor Keyes
When: Monday, September 19, 2022 from 5:30 - 7:00 pm
Where: The Hub - 375 Main Avenue NE, Hickory
If you're feeling:
- overwhelmed with recent changes.
- unsure of how to get back on track.
- like you never have enough time for yourself.
To register email
$30 per participant — Space is limited
Coach Amy Chang

Amy Chang, MS, RN, NBC-HWC is a health coach who works with people struggling to lose weight, have enough energy, and choose better health to create healthy bodies, feeling more confident and empowered with peacefulness and ease.
Amy knows that people can accomplish more than they think they can, and with a little coaching people can have the health they really want to do all the stuff they want to do with all the people they love.
Amy is a board-certified health and wellness coach through the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching
Coach Fran Paradine

Fran Paradine, LCSW is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who partners with women and men to overcome the mental and emotional roadblocks that stop them from reaching their optimal health.
She has counseled hundreds of individuals, mentored many more, and has created a podcast focused on the multi-faceted world of wellness called Creating Wellness.
Fran has a Master of Social Work degree and a Certification in Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching.

©2022 Healthy Living Coaching • All Rights Reserved
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