Happiest of Holidays from our family to yours! End of the year. Holy snap that was quick! We’ve been doing all the end of year things - reflecting, playing, studying, planning, resting, learning, eating, celebrating! What a “everything bagel” time of year. I pray this holiday season has you and your family soaking up ALLLLLLL the things.
Peace and Love,
It’s Advent! Advent is a season of PREPARATION. When something really, really exciting is coming and you KNOW it is coming, PREPARATION BUILDS the MEANING, MOTIVATION, AND MOMENTUM that creates grounding, focus, and foundation!!
Stay with me now…

Meaning, Motivation, Momentum, Grounding, Focus, and Foundation are the prerequisites for the ENERGY required for the WORK of behavioral change.
Here's an inquiry designed to help you build MEANING, MOTIVATION, AND MOMENTUM that provide GROUNDING, FOCUS, AND FOUNDATION for a successful change.
Why would you want to do this behavior shift anyway?
Why would you want that?
And what would that make available to you?
List the impacts of making this shift - both desired and undesired. Discern whether or not this is an appropriate goal for you at this time.
Do you think you can do it? What would have to happen to make it just a little easier to accomplish?
What’s one small, minute, effortless action you can take this week to begin your path?
How does this goal align with your values?
What’s the most enticing likely outcome of beginning this journey
When barriers pop up, how will you keep in mind why you are really doing this?
Need a real life example of how I answered these questions for myself? Scroll to the bottom!
Upcoming Events
In All Our Affairs Webinar - How do the 12 steps apply to our health affairs? Join Amy for this webinar exploring the use of the 12 step framework with health goals. What we’ll cover:
How the 12-Steps overlap the health coaching process, Real life examples of the steps in action, What group coaching looks like, how you can put your own health goals into the 12 steps on your own or with a coach. Three available dates: 12/19/23 @ 7 p.m., 12/28/23 @ 7 p.m., and 1/4/2024 @ 7 p.m.
Can you imagine making changes for a healthy lifestyle with ease...even finding more EVERYDAY JOY??
What better way than to use the 12 Steps in our health affairs?
If you are struggling with...
Heavier that you've ever been? A hot-mess-express-of-stress? On-again-Off-again with exercise...and feeling guilty about it? Chronic health issues? Feeling defeated, frustrated, or even ashamed of your current state of health?
Wouldn't it be nice to be...
Taking responsibility for your health? Comfortable in your own skin? Loving your body? Feeling confident in your clothes (and even buck naked!), Looking better, feeling better, and having "all-day" energy? Capable of playing with the kids/grandkids, doing the chores, or anything else you want to do without worry you'll wear yourself out or not be able to "make it"?
If so, this webinar is for YOU!
"WOW reading Atomic Habits with Amy Chang and ‘our club’ is improving my life. The direction of my life is fortifying from the ground up. That’s growth! And with Amy’s coaching I’m getting 1% - 20% better each day at an unhurried pace. I’ve been able to listen to others receive coaching to familiarize myself with her coaching process and watch it dig deep. I’m grateful for her offering and grateful to be a part of the initial Atomic Habits Book Club!"
Lucy Pittman
Here’s how this worked out for me… My goal is to do a 30 day reset in January.
- Why would you want to do this behavior shift anyway?
- I want to rest my gut after all the inflammatory foods I will be enjoying this holiday season!
- Why would you want that?
- I want to help my body function smoothly
- And what would that make available to you?
- Feeling proud that I am being responsible for my health and taking care of my brain (dementia runs in my family) and possibly having more time with my family and more years of FUN and feeling empowered despite my genes
- List the impacts of making this shift - both desired and undesired. Discern whether or not this is an appropriate goal for you at this time.
- This will take energy and focus in a really busy month. I’ll have less grocery expenses and less time spent preparing food. I’ll have more energy and feel more unstoppable and badass if I accomplish this. My body will ache less and my gym work will be easier. I might sometimes feel cranky and irritable because I am not eating “comfort foods”.
- Do you think you can do it? What would have to happen to make it just a little easier to accomplish?
- Yes. I’ve done it before and really like the way I feel. It will be a little easier if I have a friend to do it with me!
- What’s one small, minute, effortless action you can take this week to begin your path?
- Make sure my supplements are ordered and on hand no later than 12/27/23 so I am ready to go. BONUS - writing down 3 go-to evening meals so I won’t have to think when I’m cranky.
- How does this goal align with your values?
- I know that my nutrition is a balance for me and I am learning not to stress out and be perfect during the holidays. I’m learning moderation during “eat what you want” times and then tools to help me get the wheels back on the bus
- What’s the most enticing likely outcome of beginning this journey?
I can do hard things with serenity and imperfection!
- When barriers pop up, how will you keep in mind why you are really doing this?
- Post-it note on my pantry door that says: I LOVE MY BODY! SHE TAKES GOOD CARE OF ME AND I WANT TO TAKE GOOD CARE OF HER!