May 28, 2024
Hi Amy,

Hey Friends! Happy May! I’ve had a really exciting month. Finally warmer, I’ve been doing lots of biking and outdoor chores! The kids wrapped up their semesters and life is shifting into “summer is almost here!” mode. Here’s to short shorts and Birkenstocks!
Keep on loving each other,
Amy ❤️
Healthy Life Health & Wellness Coaching
Cha-Cha-Cha-Changes! 3 steps to live aligned with nature 🌲

For the last couple years, I have changed many of my daily patterns as the seasons have changed. The changes happened unintentionally and looking back I can really see how gradually I came back into a more nature based rhythm.
At first, I shifted my workouts in the winter to midday because I was so cold in the mornings. Then I stopped using an alarm clock and started waking naturally with the daylight because the morning alarm was completely jarring to my body after restless “hormonal” sleep changes. I added more outdoor “play” cardio in the warm seasons because, well, FUN!! And I did more lifting, yoga, and dance in the winter because it felt good to move slow and be inside!
Now I intentionally set my schedule in flow with the seasons. I feel more connected to nature and more connected spiritually. It’s hard - but worth it. Changing my habits every few months requires commitment to what I really love. I have several times a year to re-evaluate what is really important to me and how I want to express that in my life. After all - being fit and capable is really important to me, and I can achieve that goal in a plethora of ways! I recommit to who I want to be and am free to choose what that looks like. Like a fresh coat of paint!!
Interested? If you are thinking that seasonal shifts may be something to try, here’s three ways I found that help me chuck the old, create the new, and commit to me again!
Unschedule yourself for a week or two. Ask yourself what you want to do and what feels good. Let yourself run wild! Journaling during this time will yield more insights!
Try new things. This can be harder than you think as we all tend to get stuck in limiting beliefs. What class/lessons/new skills have you been wondering about but you’ve convinced yourself you don’t have time or will do that “later”? That time is NOW!
Be patient with yourself. It’s likely that your first “new schedule” will not work. There will be hitches in the giddyup - days you run late, days that feel smooth and days that feel discombobulated. That’s ok. Slow down. Reconnect with your body, your natural world, your sense of JOY. Your schedule for the season will appear and you can let all your people(co-workers, gym mates, family peeps) know what your new schedule is… until next season!
Here’s to living WITH the natural world!
Cool Tool, Tip or Resource

Slow Living LDN.
In doing the research for this month’s newsletter, my assistant, Chris (who keeps me sane and moving forward and is a COMPLETE blessing) stumbled on this webpage. I read through it and love the concepts. It’s as shallow or deep a dive as you want and invites us to tiptoe into slower, more natural living. Take a peek!
"If you are ready to make serious improvements across all facets of your life, you really need to talk to Amy!" - Leslie E.
Healthy AF Podcast
It’s all about MOVEMENT in the May podcasts! Where do you get stuck? How do you start in the absence of motivation? How do you deal with injury? What’s the BIGGEST mistake I see in athletes? Tune in for quick bites that will keep you moving!
Watch here! Or Listen here!
Upcoming Event
Join our Book Club starting July 9th and running for 4 weeks, every Tuesday evening at 7 PM! 📖✨ We'll be diving into "WOLFPACK" by Abby Wambach. Don't miss out on this inspiring read and the chance to connect with fellow book lovers.
Interested? Email me here!
Coach Amy Chang

Amy Chang, MS, RN, NBC-HWC is a health coach who works with people struggling to lose weight, have enough energy, and choose better health to create healthy bodies, feeling more confident and empowered with peacefulness and ease.
Amy knows that people can accomplish more than they think they can, and with a little coaching people can have the health they really want to do all the stuff they want to do with all the people they love.
Amy is a board-certified health and wellness coach through the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching
©2023 Healthy Life Coaching and Therapy Services • All Rights Reserved
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