Personal Message
Not gonna lie, this last month has been 50/50 for me… I spent a couple weeks straight up angry. Not to mention irritable and powerless. I was miserable and I’m sure I was unpleasant company! It happens. I knew the thoughts pounding my little brain were negative nancy little lies, and I just could not stop listening to them. My mood was depressed, my productivity was decreased, and my self-doubt was growing. Thankfully, I went to work on pulling my head out of my you-know-what. 😉
It took a meeting with my mentor, some journaling-meditating-prayer, a few 12-step meetings, and one beautiful-impromptu-much-needed coaching session with my friend and fellow coach, Lauren Burke (keep reading for more on this powerhouse). The tides started turning, I accepted what I had been resisting and relaxed back into everyday JOY!! The rest of the month has been heaped up with the good things - play, inspired work, abundance of choice and absence of obligation. YUM.
Featured Article
HEY PARENTS! School's almost in! I’ll take a pause here for your own celebratory whoops! All joking aside - are you ready for the shift in schedules? Here’s two exercises for you (and the fam!)

Take a moment to reflect on your summer and ask yourself this:
~ What has been missing from my summer that if I added it in the next two weeks would have my summer be a massive win?
Look forward to the first week of your change in schedule and ask yourself this:
~ What would happen in that first week of the new schedule to make it a massive win?
Be intentional about the completion of one season and the initiation of the other. Call your shot and pull that trigger!
Cool Resource!
The one and only Lauren Burke of Power House Happy! Coming up later in the month, I am so excited to bring to you Lauren’s online event:
“Aligned & Prosperous - A Group Coaching Program offering a Soulful & Integrated Approach to Money. Business. Life.”
Lauren helped me shift my whole outlook in a 45 minute conversation at a bakery. No doubt if you are looking for a shift from “I never have enough money and I never will” to living in FLOW, ABUNDANCE, AND JOY with your finances, this group is the tool for you. Find out all the goods by emailing subject line: I AM READY TO BE ALIGNED & PROSPEROUS
"I would definitely recommend to at least have a consultation with [Amy], to see if she's a good personality fit. [She's] not gonna yell at [you]...but if [you] want to have that 'Let's talk through this and dig 2-3 questions deep and figure out the why,' then [she's] the coach for [you]."
- Tami
Upcoming Events
Stay tuned for an announcement about our next book club, free & open to all, starting the week of September 12th!